The Government of Tanzania launched a USD 20 billion national Water Investment Programme (TanWIP) in 2023.The Programme’s goal is to enhance water security in Tanzania through the mobilisation of resources for strategic investments, fostering multisectoral collaboration, and promoting sustainable water management practices, all in alignment with the SDG targets and Tanzania's long-term development goals.
The Deputy Minister in Zanzibar’s Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals, Honourable Shaaban Ali Othman has outlined the progress being made in the implementation of the Zanzibar Water Investment Programme (ZanWIP), which was launched in March 2022.
The Dar es Salaam Water Resilience Partnership was established as an innovative way ofmanaging water resources for the river basin. The proposed Dar es Salaam Water ResiliencePartnership will accelerate and demonstrate best practices on leveraging the potential of theprivate sector ecosystem in supporting water stewardship endeavors in the Ruvu catchment toensure climate water resilience in Dar es Salaam City.
Sub-Saharan Africa is believed to host large groundwater reserves that remain unutilized. The SADC Groundwater Management Institute estimates that the 16 member states of the Southern Africa Development Community have groundwater reserves amounting to at least 2.5 million litres per year (at least 2491m3 / capital / year), which exceeds that of Europe and Asia. Despite this, the institute noted that the region utilizes only 1.5% of its potential groundwater reservoir.
continue readingThe Global Water Partnership Tanzania was conducted the training in Dar es Salaam, at APC hotel and Conference Centre (28th Feb – 1st March 2022) in partnership with University of Leeds and University of Dar es Salaam, with support from Adaptation Research Alliance.
continue readingThe Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat has installed portable handwashing facilities at the Beitbridge border post on the Zimbabwean side of its border with South Africa, at Chirundu Border Post between Zimbabwe and Zambia, at Nakonde/Tunduma one stop border post between Zambia and the United Republic of Tanzania, and at Songwe/Kasumulu border crossing between Malawi and Tanzania.
continue readingWe focus in the following six thematic areas